Help us rebuild the barns!! Join us Saturday May 4th for a fun filled afternoon at Triple C Farm in Ancaster. There will be goats, baby goats, sheep, pigs, alpacas, donkeys, horses & more! Bring your kids, family & friends! Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated and will go towards rebuilding their barns.**NOTE we are not actually rebuilding the barns, just taking contributions to help them rebuild their barns.** TRIPLE C FARM -500 CARLUKE ROAD WEST, ANCASTER

Triple C Farm is a safe place where people with disabilities can come and learn new skills. Not only do they help people, but they rescue all types of animals too. Trish, her husband Pascall, and her 3 boys with Autism, need our help to rebuild their barns, so all their furry little therapeutic friends have a warm safe place to live.

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